
In this paper, it is attempted to analyse how the US sanctions against Iran have affected the economiccooperation between Iran and Turkey, that is developed in 2000’s, within the framework of Neo-Gramscian Theory. It is written in order to analyse the dynamics of the economic cooperation betweenthese two countries and the affects of the US sanctions on these dynamics, not to provide an economicand mathematical analysis or to test the validity of the adopted theory. Neo-Gramscian conceptionof “historical bloc” is the basic element of the conceptual framework of this paper. It is asserted thatTurkey and Iran, especially since 2000’s, have been the constituents of rival historical blocs. The mainarguments of this paper can be summarized as the following: (i) The economic relations between Iranand Turkey must be evaluated with respect to the political tendencies within these countries and theirpositions in the world order, not merely in terms of cooperation or competition between the two. Theeffects of US sanctions upon the bilateral economic relations can be analyzed within this context. (ii)US sanctions had enabling and restraining effects on Iran-Turkey economic relations. (iii) These effectshave been shaped by the dynamics of the world order, the position of the political elites of Iran andTurkey within the world order and their relations with USA. In this context, firstly, the fundamentalconcepts of the analysis of the subject matter is explained, then, it is attempted to provide certainidentifications about the positioning of Iran and Turkey within the current world order. After providingan overall assessment of the economic relations between Iran and Turkey, the focus directed towardsthe enabling and restraining effects of the US sanctions on the economic relations between Iran andTurkey; and here, it is attempted to take under consideration especially the political struggles insideboth of the countries and the approaches of the powers of both of the countries towards the worldorder. In this paper, the method pursued is an analysis of the data provided by literature review throughthe concepts of Neo-Gramscian theory; a qualitative comparison between the approaches of the twostates towards the world order is used; and with regard to the discussions in domestic politics of Iranabout the sanctions, news sources in Persian are used.

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