
AbstractThis paper describes the application of novel systems concepts and methodologies to the design and implementation, or more generally the acquisition, of complex real‐time information systems. A hybrid methodology is proposed that combines contemporary ‘soft’ systems thinking with traditional hard systems engineering methodology, to result in an acquisition life cycle appropriate to such systems. This approach acknowledges the difficulties faced when applying hard systems engineering practice to real‐time information system projects with barely definable goals, significant human interaction and where implementation technology is evolving faster than the “system solution” can be designed and developed. The paper outlines the basic concepts of systems thinking that underpin the design of complex systems. Essential elements of traditional hard systems engineering, along with their failings, are described. Soft systems concepts are described and related to the problem of real time information systems. A novel systems methodology for real‐time information systems is proposed. This methodology is then examined in the context of the development of innovative combat system architectures for future naval surface combatants.

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