
The effect of the melatonin receptor ligand, 2-phenylmelatonin, has been assessed in isolated strips of the guinea-pig proximal colon. 2-Phenylmelatonin (0.01 nM-1 microM) caused a concentration-dependent contractile response. The potency value (-log EC50) was 9.3 +/- 1.0. The maximum effect was 25 +/- 4%, of that elicited by the maximally effective concentration (0.3 microM) of 5-HT and 43 +/- 3%, of that by the maximally effective concentration (10 microM) of melatonin. When used as an antagonist, 2-phenylmelatonin (0.01 nM and 0.1 nM) concentration-dependently inhibited melatonin-induced contractions with depression of the maximum response by 25% and 54%, respectively. Higher (1 nM) 2-phenylmelatonin concentrations failed to antagonize melatonin-induced response. Prazosin (0.3 microM), a selective antagonist of melatonin MT3 sites, antagonized melatonin-induced contractions to an extent similar to that induced by 0.01 nM 2-phenylmelatonin (with 30% reduction of the maximum effect to melatonin). The combination of 0.3 microM prazosin and 0.01 nM 2-phenylmelatonin caused antagonism similar in extent to that caused by each individual antagonist. 2-Phenylmelatonin at subnanomolar concentrations behaves as an antagonist of melatonin-induced contractile responses while at nanomolar/micromolar concentrations it behaves as a weak contractile agonist.

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