
This chapter provides an overview of the composition, organization, structure, and rules of procedure of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS). ITLOS is composed of 21 judges elected by secret ballot by the States Parties to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) from among persons nominated by States Parties who enjoy the highest reputation for fairness and integrity and of recognized competence in the field of the law of the sea. The United Nations recognizes ITLOS as an autonomous international judicial body with jurisdiction as provided for in the relevant provisions of UNCLOS and its Statute (which is Annex VI to UNCLOS). The UN and ITLOS each undertakes to respect the status and mandate of the other and to establish cooperative working relations pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement on Cooperation and Relationship between the UN and ITLOS. With a view to facilitating the effective attainment of their objectives and the coordination of their activities, they shall consult and cooperate, whenever appropriate, on matters of mutual concern, and pursue, whenever appropriate, initiatives to coordinate their activities. Moreover, ITLOS's Registrar transmits to the UN information and documentation relating to ITLOS's work, including documentation relating to applications, pleadings, oral proceedings, orders, judgments, and other communications and documentation before ITLOS.

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