
Renowned British poet and writer Shakespeare’s work should be perused in the relevant literature discourse, but I believe it should also be examined legally to develop the legal mind and logic. Before dipping into the legal aspect of Merchant of Venice, it would be appropriate to paraphrase the play. Aside from a couple of exceptions, Latin comedies revolve around a young boy’s troubles in love affairs. In Latin comedies, the young lover has a companion, apart from the trusted crafty slave, who helps him in romance or any straits he experiences.


  • Renowned British poet and writer Shakespeare’s work should be perused in the relevant literature discourse, but it should be examined legally to develop the legal mind and logic

  • Rua Silvério Manoel da Silva, 160 – Bairro Colinas – Cep.: 94940-243 | Cachoeirinha – RS | Tel/Fax. (51) 33961000 | e-mail: cesuca@cesuca.edu.br REVISTA DILÁOGOS DO DIREITO v.3, n. 5, dez/2013 http://ojs.cesuca.edu.br/index.php/dialogosdodireito/index ISSN 2316-2112. All of his vessels playing the high seas and short of cash, Antonio uses his reputation in Venice to borrow three thousand ducats from the Jewish moneylender Shylock, whom he used to post insults, in the hope of sending his friend Bassanio to his lover Portia

  • Shylock adds a clause to the contract stating that in case Antonio cannot pay the debt, he would cut a pound of meat from Antonio’s body

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Renowned British poet and writer Shakespeare’s work should be perused in the relevant literature discourse, but it should be examined legally to develop the legal mind and logic. Shylock adds a clause to the contract stating that in case Antonio cannot pay the debt, he would cut a pound of meat (about 450 gr.) from Antonio’s body (any part of his body Shylock wants). Unless contrary to the Laws of Venice, a contract can be done in any subject; but is there really a legitimate contractual agreement here?

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