
M-Commerce is widely known as wireless networktechnology, use as the essential means of communication forbusiness transactions. Mobile commerce is seen as anaugmentation of E-commerce empowered by cell phones.Transactions either indirectly or directly carried out orsupported through mobile phones. ABC Brokerage House is thepioneer in Online Trading Services. In online trade, customerscan trade using the online trade software and website. Beforeswitching users, from traditional trading system to mobiletrading system, the weaknesses of infrastructure, securitybreaches, and risk factors should be considered carefully. Theinfrastructure solution should be designed with respect tointeroperability, security, scalability, non-repudiation of ABCBrokerage House on the behalf of best practices for MobileCommerce Trading System. The solution has its distributednature and is a suitable architecture for managing businessprocesses of ABC Stock Brokerage House. The solution is wellplanned, designed and it is in accordance with ISOrecommendation. The solution provides more flexibility and alsoprovides redundancy by using clustering of database server. Theproposed solution provides more flexibility and also providesredundancy plan and clustering of database server. This solutionalso switches ABC Brokerage House infrastructure to the realworld infrastructure by removing risk factors and implementingthe latest technologies.

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