
In the course of our studies of silicon-containing anti­cancer compounds, the title compound, C18H19NO3Si, was synthesized. The mol­ecular geometry including bond distances and angles involving the Si atoms are typical. Torsion angles associated with the isoindoline ring and the silyl group [C—N—Cmethyl­ene—Si = 90.5 (2) and −93.1 (2)°] indicate that there is no inter­action between the O and Si atoms despite silicon’s high affinity for oxygen.


  • In the course of our studies of silicon-containing anticancer compounds, the title compound, C18H19NO3Si, was synthesized

  • Torsion angles associated with the isoindoline ring and the silyl group [C— N—Cmethylene—Si = 90.5 (2) and À93.1 (2)] indicate that there is no interaction between the O and Si atoms despite silicon’s high affinity for oxygen

  • Bond distances and angles were confirmed to be typical by a Mogul structural check (Bruno et al, 2004)

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Data collection

Bruker SMART X2S diffractometer Absorption correction: multi-scan (SADABS; Bruker, 2009) Tmin = 0.928, Tmax = 0.966 V = 1695.9 (5) A 3 Z=4 Mo K radiation = 0.15 mmÀ1 T = 300 K 0.50 Â 0.40 Â 0.23 mm 11394 measured reflections 3197 independent reflections 2338 reflections with I > 2(I) Rint = 0.042 211 parameters H-atom parameters constrained Ámax = 0.21 e A À3 Ámin = À0.26 e A À3 In the course of our studies of silicon-containing anticancer compounds, the title compound, C18H19NO3Si, was synthesized. The molecular geometry including bond distances and angles involving the Si atoms are typical. Torsion angles associated with the isoindoline ring and the silyl group [C— N—Cmethylene—Si = 90.5 (2) and À93.1 (2)] indicate that there is no interaction between the O and Si atoms despite silicon’s high affinity for oxygen.

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