
Unfortunately, in current microprocessors, increasing the frequency causes increased power consumption and reduced reliability whereas it improves the performance. To overcome the power and thermal problems in the singlecore processors, multicore processors has been widely used. For 2D multicore processors, interconnection is regarded as one of the major constraints in performance and power efficiency. To reduce the performance degradation and the power consumption in 2D multicore processors, 3D integrated design technique has been studied by many researchers. Compared to 2D multicore processors, 3D multicore processors get the benefits of performance improvement and reduced power consumption by reducing the wire length significantly. However, 3D multicore processors have serious thermal problems due to high power density, resulting in reliability degradation. Detailed thermal analysis for multicore processors can be useful in designing thermal-aware processors. In this paper, we analyze the impact of workload distribution, distance to the heat sink, and number of stacked dies on the processor temperature. We also analyze the effects of the temperature on overall system performance. Especially, this paper presents the guideline for thermal-aware multicore processor design by analyzing the thermal problems in 2D multicore processors and 3D multicore processors.

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