
We report optical photometric and Southern Astrophysical Research spectroscopic observations of an X-ray source found within the localization error of the Fermi Large Area Telescope unidentified γ-ray source 1FGL J0523.5−2529. The optical data show periodic flux modulation and radial velocity variations indicative of a binary with a 16.5 hr period. The data suggest a massive non-degenerate secondary (≳ 0.8 M☉), and we argue the source is likely a pulsar binary. The radial velocities have good phase coverage and show evidence for a measurable eccentricity (e = 0.04). There is no clear sign of irradiation of the secondary in either photometry or spectroscopy. The spatial location out of the Galactic plane and γ-ray luminosity of the source are more consistent with classification as a recycled millisecond pulsar than as a young pulsar. Future radio timing observations can confirm the identity of the primary and further characterize this interesting system.

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