
The work of Thomas Broun on New Zealand Coleoptera is discussed, and the history and present location of his collections is recorded. The bequest by Broun of a major collection to the British Museum (Natural History), and the retention of other collections here in private hands rather than a public institution, severely restricted research on beetles in New Zealand for 40 years. Today most primary type specimens of New Zealand species remain overseas, and this is still an impediment to research in this country. Other important collections of New Zealand beetles and their present locations are discussed briefly. Current and recent work and publications by coleopterists on the New Zealand fauna are outlined briefly, including studies to be published soon in the “Fauna of New Zealand” series. The 91 families of Coleoptera (Crowson's classification) known to occur in New Zealand are tabulated, with numbers of presently published species (excluding synonyms) for New Zealand, North America, Britain, Australia, ...

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