
Under Art. 7.11 of the Code (Turland & al. in Regnum Veg. 159. 2018), designation of a type on or after 1 January 2001 is achieved only “if the typification statement includes the phrase “designated here” (hic designatus) or an equivalent”. Sometimes it is easy to determine what is an equivalent of “designated here”. For example, the citation of “Lectotype (selected here): Sauropus trinervius Wall. ex Müll.Arg.” (van Welzen in Blumea 48: 331. 2003) is definitely an equivalent of “designated here”. However, not everyone might accept the use of “Lectotype (suggested here)” and “Lectotype (proposed here)” in the same publication (van Welzen, l.c.: 340) or “Neotype nov.” or “lectotype nov.” (Bruggeman-Nannenga in Acta Mus. Siles. Sci. Nat. 68: 25, 28. 2019) as an equivalent of “designated here”. In order to eliminate this ambiguity, we are proposing to amend Art. 7.11. A new Recommendation in Rec. 7A is also proposed because most users of the Code are still more familiar with the Latin alphabet. “7.11. For purposes of priority (Art. 9.19, 9.20, and 10.5), designation of a type is achieved only if the type is definitely accepted as such by the typifying author, if the type element is clearly indicated by direct citation including the term “type” (typus) or an equivalent, and, on or after 1 January 2001, if the typification statement includes the phrase “designated here” (hic designatus) or an equivalent. On or after 1 January 2026, only the phrase “designated here” or “here designated” (hic designatus) or its exact translation into another modern language is permitted.” “7A.2. The phrase “designated here” or the equivalents permitted by Art. 7.11 should be written in the Latin alphabet.” We thank John H. Wiersema, John McNeill and Nicholas J. Turland for their guidance, constructive suggestions, and refinements. One of us (SM) would also like to thank the Principal, Parimal Mitra Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, India, for encouragement.

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