
The year 1968 was a time of worldwide upheaval. University students were at the very center of the upheaval. Around 1968, massive scales of student movements were launched in many countries such as the U.S., France and Japan. Fierce resistance of the students was called ‘Student Power’ and became the symbol of the 68 Movement. This study analyzes how ‘Student Power’ which was the center of the 68 movement was related with the student movements in Korea at the era. Around 1970, or the period from the late 1960s to the early 1970s, the student movements in Korea showed a new aspect different from the ones in the past. Unlike the previous student movements which focused only on political issues outside of universities, the student movements in Korea around 1970 turned their eyes on their universities. The forces of the student movements sought alternatives in student autonomy and tried to achieve democratization of their universities by expanding basic rights of the students.BR This is commonly found in ‘Student Power’ of many countries around the year 1968. Unlike ‘Student Power’ in other countries, however, student movements in Korea did not try to take direct part in university administration and operations. In addition, this new aspect of the student movements in Korea did not replace the solid and age-long tradition of ‘student movements for the country and Korean people(Nation)’. Thus, this study understands that the new aspect of the student movements in Korea around 1970 was not denial or overturning extant student movements but expansion of their scopes while resonating with ‘student power’ of the 68 Movement.

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