
Tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) is one of the components of the plasminogen-plasmin (PLG-PLA) system, better known as fibrinolytic system for its role in the blood clot lysis. It has been demonstrated recently that the activation of plasminogen into the protease plasmin during the sperm-oocyte interaction in the pig and cow decreases the percentages of penetration and increases monospermy (Mondéjar et al. 2012). However, in the mouse species, it was showed that PLG-PLA system enhances fertilization (Huarte et al. 1993). Expression of tPA has been described in rat oocytes (Bicsak et al. 1989) and cumulus cells (Ny et al. 1987; O’Connell et al. 1987), but no clear evidence about its expression in mouse, pig, and cow oocytes or cumulus cells is available. We hypothesised that differences in the effect of PLG-PLA system on fertilization results between the species mentioned above could be related to differences in tPA expression. The aim of this study was the detection of mRNA encoding tPA in oocytes and cumulus cells in mouse, pig, and cow by molecular analysis. Total RNA was obtained from oocytes and cumulus cells and cDNA was synthesised with an oligo-dT as primer. These cDNAs were used as template in RT-PCR amplifications using specific primers designed based on the GenBank sequence for Mus musculus, Sus scrofa, and Bos taurus tPA (NM_ 008872, NM_214054, NM_174146, respectively). The results of this study showed a different expression in the 3 studied species. In mouse, amplicon encoding tPA was detected in oocytes and cumulus cells. In cow and pig, tPA transcripts were obtained only in cumulus cells. The relation between the differences in the tPA expression pattern and the role of PLG-PLA system on fertilization remains to be investigated. This study was supported by MICINN (AGL2009-12512-C02-01-02).

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