
A review of medical advances during 1954 is presented in 1955 Medical Progress, the third in a series of volumes. This is done by recapitulating in a brief, simple, and yet authoritative and comprehensive manner the progress of the year in numerous fields of medicine In each topic discussed, and there are many, enough background is given to provide sufficient orientation from which to progress. This is especially valuable when realizing that discoveries are not usually made at a certain moment but rather through a period of time which may vary. To give a brief idea of what one might encounter in this book, a few topics are mentioned. In the field of pharmacology, Diamox, chlorpromazine, Rauwolfia serpentina, and d -lysergic acid diethylamide are given with their latest uses and actions described. Physical medicine provides an interesting contribution to the bedridden patient for the prevention of decubitus ulcers. This consists

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