
Objectives PHT is the main manifestation of liver disease in adults CF patients. The risk of hepatic decompensation after isolated LT is unknown. The model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score is not relevant for the indication to combined lungs-liver transplantation. We presented the postoperative outcome of isolated lung transplantation in CF patients with asymptomatic PHT. Methods From 2008 to 2014, 14 isolated LT (over 299) were proceeded over CF patients with PHT. Results All Patients had asymptomatic liver disease before LT but all had PHT on the CT scan: splenomegaly (14–19 cm) in 10 patients, portosystemic collaterals in 8, all had portal vein dilatation >14 (diameter 17±2.3 mm). The liver stiffness measurement (LMS) was elevated 18±8 kPa when in our adult CF center median LSM was 5.9 kPa in 241 CF patients. Thirteen patients had normal liver and renal function. Gastroesophageal varices were absents in 10 screened patients. After LT, 4 patients required ECMO, 6 developed easy to treat ascites associated with transient renal insufficiency (4) or intestinal complications (2). One developed transient ascitis 7 months after LT associated with sepsis and renal dysfunction. Hepatocellular function remain normal in all patients. Every patient is still alive (mean time 42±22 months). Conclusion Carefully selected CF patients with end-stage lung disease and portal hypertension can tolerate isolated lung transplantation. The non-invasive evaluation of the severity of PHT has to be evaluated. Prospective multicentric study is need to clearly define the indications of combined lung–liver transplantation.

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