
The Joseon Governor General office established the Monopoly Bureau(專賣局) in order to secure fiscal profit and play the role of capital itself. But it was impossible for the authorities to put an end to colonized Joseon’s traditional practices(including consumption) regarding tobacco at once. So, while they did declare full implementation of a monopoly on tobacco, they had to allow certain exceptions. The 「Joseon Tobacco Monopoly Act(朝鮮煙草專賣令)」 that was put into effect in 1921 recognized three exceptions: production of Cutted tobacco (Hwang’gak Yeoncho, 荒刻煙草), disposal of Whole Leaf tobacco(全葉喫用) and cultivation of tobacco for private usages.BR Such exceptive clauses could only be found from Joseon, and not from other regions within the realm under the influence of the Japanese Empire. Their existence was indeed colliding with the authorities’ need to secure sufficient monetary income, and thus had to be abolished. So the Japanese imperial authorities started to oppress the traditional Joseon tobacco market, and continued their efforts to eliminate independent cultivators, which were being protected by the exceptive clauses of such exceptional treatment.BR Reducing the number of exceptive clauses or at least narrowing their scope meant expanding the range of illegal activities. Number of offenders breaching the 「Joseon Tobacco Monopoly Act」 continued to rise. It was not a temporary phenomenon caused by rigid enforcement or crackdowns. People who had been operating under the exceptive clauses were poor peasants marginalized by the monopolized market overseen by the Monopoly Bureau.BR With the 「Joseon Tobacco Monopoly Act」 revised in 1929, full monopoly was achieved, but it was still in conflict with Joseon’s social, cultural, and economic reality. Even after a fully monopolized system was established, Joseon people operating outside the law continued to emerge and be caught.

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