
The article offers a comprehensive review of the 185-year history of the development of the “Horticulture and Viticulture” journal, founded by the Russian Society of Horticulture Enthusiasts, the first public organization of gardeners. A list of changes in the title of the journal, the names of its editors-in-chief, a retrospective of the journal concepts, its periodicity and thematic content are given. The materials published in the journal are reviewed: directions of research in the field of horticulture and nursery farming in Russia and abroad; breeding achievements; works of outstanding horticulture scientists; exchange of information and opinions between scientists and agricultural producers; development and application of innovative technologies in improving plant performance and quality of agricultural products. The publication offers an analysis of the state and prospects of the development of modern science and the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. The article examines current trends in publication selection and outlines the prospects for the future development of the journal.

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