
Abstract Background The ability of an older adult to walk independently outdoors in their community assists with maintaining independence, a healthy lifestyle and a good quality of life. The study qualitatively explored older persons’ perceptions and experiences of the variables associated with their ability to walk outdoors in their community, through the use of photographs and discussion. Methods This qualitative study employed Photovoice Methodology (Wang and Burris, 1997). Inclusion criteria were community dwelling older adults over 65 years old, attending a day hospital, able to ambulate at least 10 metres with/without an assistive device and no visual or fine motor limitations that would preclude using a camera. Participants attended an information session and received and practiced with a single use camera. Over one week they took photographs of perceived barriers or facilitators to community ambulation. The developed photographs formed the basis for focus group discussions. Focus groups were recorded; transcribed and thematic analysis was used to identify key themes. Results Eight participants, mean age of 78.8 years completed the Photovoice substudy. Five of the participants were female and six lived alone. One participant had experienced a fall in the past six months. Three key themes were identified; personal, environmental and strategic factors, all associated with an older adults’ ability to ambulate in the community. Each of these themes had a number of subthemes highlighting barriers and facilitators to community ambulation in this population. Conclusion This novel study design was well received. It provided real life experiences, insights and rich valuable data that may not be captured by other means. The findings demonstrate the multifactorial nature of independent community ambulation, both the personal and environmental factors associated with independent community ambulation in older adults. Physiotherapists should adopt a broader, holistic approach to the assessment and treatment of older adults, to promote the achievement of independent community ambulation.

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