
The aim of this research was to identify the effect of sipatah-patah (Cissus quadrangularis Salisb) leaf extract on mandible density of ovariectomized rats (Rattus norvegicus). The samples were 12 female rats which were divided into 4 treatment groups with 3 replications. K0 consisted of ovariectomized rats without Cissus quadrangularis Salisb exstract, wheares K1, K2 and K3 consisted of ovariectomized rats and were given Sipatah-patah extract with 500mg/kg body weight, 700/mg/kg body weight and 900mg/kg body weight for 30 days. On 31st day, rats were euthanized with cloroform and mandible bones were collected for histological preparation. Parameters observed were bone structures (osteosit, osteoblast, osteoclast and trabekula). The results showed that in K0 group, bone density was decreased and became thinner, osteoclast cells were found on trabekula, and low density of active and passive osteoblast were also detected. The treatment group (K1 and K2) showed an improvement stucture of trabekula,where the amount of osteoclast were lower than K0, as well as the amount of active osteoblast, although a lot of passive osteoblast were still found. The treatment group (K3) showed an improvement as the most dense trabekula structure with large amount of active osteoblast cell density without the existance of osteoclast compared to other grups. In this research, it would be concluded that the adding sipatah-patah extract with a dose of 900 mg/kb body weight showed a higher number of active osteoblasts and trabekula density compared to the control groups, K1, and K2 on ovariectomized mandible bone rats


  • Osteoporosis adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan berkurangnya kepadatan massa tulang dan kerusakan mikro struktur jaringan tulang yang mengakibatkan tulang rapuh dan mudah patah

  • The results showed that in K0 group, bone density was decreased and became thinner, osteoclast cells were found on trabekula, and low density of active and passive osteoblast were also detected

  • Effects of fructus Ligustri lucidi extract on bone turnover and calcium balance in ovariectomized rats

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Alat dan Bahan Penelitian Alat yang digunakan adalah timbangan digital, vacuum rotary evaporator, erlenmeyer 100 ml, spuit 3 cc, sonde lambung, wadah stok, kertas saring, scalpel, gunting, jarum, benang cat gut, needle holder, klem arteri, tampon, cover glass, object glass, microtome rotary, botol spesimen dan waterbath. Bahan yang digunakan dalam perlakuan adalah ekstrak sipatah-patah. Bagian tanaman sipatah-patah yang diambil adalah batang yang kemudian dipotong-potong sepanjang sekitar 1 cm, lalu diangin-anginkan sehingga menjadi kering. Dalam penelitian ini diperlukan 3 kg batang tanaman sipatahpatah yang sudah kering. Batang sipatah-patah kemudian dihaluskan dengan penggilingan sehingga menjadi serbuk. Persiapan hewan coba Hewan coba yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 12 ekor tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) betina umur 5 bulan dari galur Sprague Dawleys dengan bobot badan 250 g, terdiri dari 4 kelompok perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan. Sayatan dilakukan pada area bedah yaitu 2 cm mengikuti tulang belakang dan berjarak 1,5 cm dari tulang belakang, dicari ovarium kemudian ikat dengan benang cat gut. Ekstrak sipatah-patah (ESP) diberikan dengan dosis 0 (K0/kontrol), 500 mg/Kg BB (K1), 700 mg/Kg BB (K2), dan 900 mg/Kg BB (K3) selama 30 hari. Pemberian ekstrak dilakukan peroral dengan volume pemberian masing-masing 1 ml

Pembuatan preparat histologis tulang mandibula
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