
positive cocci 71 isolates. The coagu[ase-negative staphylococci 52 isolates (the Methici[[in Resistant Coagu[ase-Negative Staphylococci MRCNS strains were detected). The Enterococcus spp. occurred in 9 isolates (the High Level Aminog[ycoside Resistant HLAR enterococci strains were cub tured). The Enterobacteriaceae family 16 isolates and 15 isolates of Gram-negative nonfermenting rods were detected, some of Gram-negative rods were Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases ESBL (+) strains. Conclusions: 1. The domination of Gram-positive cocci in bacteriemia is caused by coagu[asenegative staphylococci (a frequent cause of nosocomia[ catheter-related bloodstream infections) and may be due to the use of antimicrobia[ prophylaxis which reduces Gram-negative bacteria[ strains. 2. The increased rate of isolation of Multi-Drug-Resistant (MDR) bacteria to antimicrobia[ agents may be due to the frequent use of these agents for prophylaxis of bacteria[ infections in liver transplant recipients. These MDR bacteria[ strains caused severe blood infections in patients after LT.

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