
collection. Bremekamp was the first to obtain authentic, but newly collected, fruits of Coupoui aquatica. These were very different from the fruit illustrated by Aublet. Breme kamp speculated that Aublet's fruit could have been collect ed from a climber, possibly belonging to the Apocynaceae, growing on the same tree from which Aublet collected his leaves, but without the original fruit this cannot be ascer tained. In any event, the lectotype of Coupoui aquatica comprises the two detached leaves collected by Aublet pre served at BM, and not his published illustration. Coupoui, based solely on C. aquatica, is also typified by these two leaves. Because the original material, except for the putative apocynaceous fruit illustrated by Aublet, and all associated later-collected material of C. aquatica completely agree with Duroia, Bremekamp synonymized Coupoui with Duroia. He also made some synonymizations and new com binations under Duroia, among them D. aquatica (Aubl.) Bremek., but failed to observe that Duroia is a later name than Coupoui. Miers (I.e.: 16) never adopted the name Coupoui because, in his opinion, it was too similar to the names Couepia AubL, Goupia AubL, and Cupia DC. He consid ered Coupoui to be a later sub-homonym and therefore unavailable for use, replacing it with Cupirana Miers, but under the rules of the present ICBNAxt. 53.1 (Greuter & al. in Regnum Veg. 138. 2000) Coupoui is not a later homo nym, and having a different pronounciation and derivation it is not sufficiently alike to be confused with these other names (Art. 53.3), and remains legitimate. On the other hand, Cupirana is an illegitimate nomen superfluum. As Coupoui is an earlier heterotypic synonym of Duroia, the latter name is threatened by the former. But the name Duroia is already conserved against another earlier synonym, Pubeta L. (PL Surin.: 16. 1775), and is consis tently used in current literature. Furthermore, about 45 spe cific combinations have been made under Duroia, com pared to only four under Coupoui. To avoid the loss of the well-established and already conserved name Duroia L. f, we therefore propose to add Coupoui AubL to its list of nomina rejicienda.

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