
This chapter demonstrates the vibrancy of Lembaga Kebudajaan Rakjat (LEKRA)?s work in the sphere of cultural activity with a special focus on activities in Jakarta and Central Java. In contrast to representations of LEKRA that see it as simply parroting the interests of the Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI) in the sphere of arts and culture, it argues that relations between the LEKRA cultural movement and its ally, the PKI, were fluid and complex. The chapter shows how members of LEKRA and its PKI ally argued about the appropriate style and terminology for LEKRA?s cultural work, appropriating notions from Soviet and Chinese sources as well as fitting them to the local Indonesian context. The chapter also shows the robust internationalism of the LEKRA movement, the complex relations LEKRA developed with other cultural groups and the Indonesian Communist Party, and the enormous creativity of LEKRA theatre workers. Keywords: cultural activity; Jakarta; Lembaga Kebudajaan Rakjat (LEKRA) theatre; Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI)

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