
Abstract The strategic priority of promoting healthier populations with 1 billion more people enjoying better health and well-being as expressed in the General Programme of Work (GPW) 13 by the World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes the need of multisectoral action to address the social and environmental determinants of health including climate change. WHO data from 2016 show that approximately one quarter of the global burden of disease are caused by known avoidable environmental risks to health, with at least 12.6 million premature deaths every year. Out of this total, 7 million deaths a year are attributable to both ambient and household air pollution, placing it among the top global preventable health risks. As human influence on the environment continues to grow, global environmental challenges will escalate, including climate change and rapid urbanization. Many of the resulting risks exacerbate disease and injuries, while impacting our quality of life, reducing our productivity, and weighing on our health systems. The global endorsement of the sustainable development agenda with its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provides a clear signal that the world expects greater cohesion between people and the planet, with benefits for health and health equity. More sustainable ways of functioning go hand in hand with creating healthier and more sustainable environments, with enhanced focus on prevention through action on the root causes of disease. The SDGs set a broad agenda to advance health and equity by 2030. Health is centrally positioned within the SDGs, with SDG 3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages. However, achieving this goal means more than just improving health care. It involves action in key economic development sectors, like housing and transport, as well as in the settings where people live and work in cities and rural areas. These areas are covered by SDGs such as: Achieving Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11), and Climate action (SDG 13). Progress on these SDGs will not only significantly reduce but also support primary prevention of some of the world's most serious disease threats - including heart and lung diseases, cancers, stroke, injuries, and more. At the workshop different topics and tools that support the achievement of WHOs one billion goal of achieving healthier populations and through this the SDGs will be discussed. Key messages By addressing environmental health risks through progress on SDGs supports also the 1 billion goal to achieve healthier populations. Multisectoral action and turning this action into everyday practice is needed to support achieving the SDGs and the 1 billion goal of WHO.

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