
Waldheimia was described by Karelin & Kirilow (in Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 15: 125. 1842) with W. Kar. & Kir. as the only species based on the collection Alatau ad fonts fl. Sarchan, G. S. Karelin & I.P. Kirilow 1593(M). Decaisne (in Jacquemont, Voy. Inde 4, Bot.: 87. 1835-1844) described a new genus Allardia Decne, based on V. Jacquemont's collections from Himalaya, with two species. It was later realized that the species described by Karelin & Kirilow under Waldheimia and by Decaisne under Allardia belonged to a single genus, hence the two names are synonyms. However, there are divided opinions on the relative pri ority of the names Waldheimia and Allardia. One school of thought, comprising Clarke (Compos. Ind.: 144-146.1876), Hooker (Fl. Brit. India 3: 312-314. 1881), Brummitt (Vase PL Fam. Gen.: 25. 1992), Bremer & Humphries (in Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. London, Bot. 23(2): 98. 1993), Bremer (Asteraceae: Cladistics & Classification: 435^178. 1994), Grierson & Springate (in Grierson & Long, Fl. Bhutan 2(3): 1548-1549. 2001), and Ghafoor (in Ali & Quaiser, Fl. Pakistan 207: 79-89. 2002), considers that Allardia pre dates Waldheimia and adopts the former genus. Accepted combinations for the eight or nine known species of the genus under the name Allardia are A. glabra Decne, A. tomentosa Decne, A. (Kar. & Kir.) Sch. Bip, A. huegelii Sch. Bip, A. nivea Hook. f. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke, A. ves tita Hook. f. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke, A. stoliczkaeC.B. Clarke,A. transalaica(Tzvelev)K. Bremer & Humphries, and A. lasiocarpa (G. X. Fu) K. Bremer & Humphries. On the other hand, Tzvelev (in Shishkin & Bobrov, Fl. URSS 26: 263-271. 1961), Santapau & Henry (Diet. Flow. PL India: 183. 1973), Airy-Shaw (in Willis, Diet. Flow. PL, Ed. 8: 1218. 1973), Chu & Gou-xun (in Young & Chu, Fl. Reipubl. Popul. Sin. 76(1): 81-87. 1983), Podlech (in Rechinger, Fl. Iranica 158: 155-159. 1986), and Naithani (in Hajra & al, Fl. India 12: 3-75. 1995) accept Waldheimia as the prior name for the taxon and hence the following combinations for species of the genus, viz. W. Kar. & Kir., W glabra (Decne.) Regel, W tomentosa (Decne.) Regel, W huegelii (Sch. Bip.) Tzvelev, W. nivea (Hook. f. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke) Regel, W. vestita (Hook. f. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke) Pamp., W stoliczkae (C.B. Clarke) Ostenf., W transalaica Tzvelev and W. lasio carpa G X. Fu, are used. Mabberley (Plant-Book: 611. 1987) considered Waldheimia the legitimate name for the genus, but subsequently (Mabberley, Plant-Book, Ed. 2: 23. 1997) treated it as a synonym oiAllardia. Tzvelev (I.e.) treated Allardia as a section under the genus Waldheimia. His Waldheimia sect. Waldheimia (Kar. & Kir.) Tzvelev includes species with simple cuneiform leaves and sterile ray florets, viz., W. tridactylites, W. glabra, W. huegelii. Two more non-Russian elements that can be included in this section are the Sino-Himalayan W. vestita and the Chinese W. lasiocarpa. The remainder of the species, with 23-pinnatisect leaves and fertile female ray florets, constitute Waldheimia sect. Allardia (Decne.) Tzvelev. In designating W tomentosa as the type of this section, Tzvelev provides the first lectotypification of Allardia. Whereas Chu & Gou-xun (I.e.), Tzvelev (I.e.), and Ghafoor (I.e.) treated W. (or A.l) and W. (A.l) glabra as separate species, Podlech (I.e.) regards the latter as a subspecies of the former, and other authors treat them as synonyms. It is interesting to note that Bremer and Humphries (I.e.), although accepting priority of the genus Allardia, simultaneously and anomalously accepted the combination A. over A. glabra, the reverse interpretation since A. glabra was published together with Decaisne's (I.e.) genus Allardia, whereas tridactylites was Karelin & Kirilow's epithet for their original species of Waldheimia. Hence accepting this epithet implies accept ance of Waldheimia as the prior name. When these two taxa and their respective genera are treated as synonyms, as has been done by many authors, the appropriate combination under the name Allardia is A. glabra Decne., whereas under Waldheimia it is W. Kar. & Kir. At the centre of this controversy is uncertainty regard ing the date of publication of Decaisne's Allardia, as there is still no resolution about the contents and publication dates of the different volumes/parts of Victor Jacquemont's Voyage dans linde (Stafleu, Taxon. Lit., Regnum Veg. 52:

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