
To evaluate the efficacy of Libicare® - a Trigonella foenum graecum-based food supplement - to improve sexual function in peri and posmenopausal women. An exploratory, prospective, non-controlled, observational study. Women aged 45 -65 years with low sexual desire (FSFI < 25.83) were included during routine clinical visits and treated with 2 tablets of Libicare® daily for 2 months. Libicare® is an oral food supplement containing Trigonella foenum graecum, Turnera Diffusa, Tribulus Terrestris and Ginkgo Biloba dry extracts. Primary endpoint: change vs baseline in FSFI score. Secondary endpoints: 1) changes in testosterone and SHBG levels and 2) tolerability. A total of 29 patients (mean age: 53.9 years) were included. FSFI mean (SD) score showed a significant increase: 20.15 (4.48) vs 25,03 (6.94), baseline vs final; p=0.0002, t-test. Most of patients (89.7%) increased FSFI score. Testosterone and SHBG levels were assessed in 21 patients. A significant increase in testosterone level was observed: 0,41 (0.26) vs 0,50 (0.34) pg/ml, baseline vs final; p=0.038, Wilcoxon test. 52.4% of patients increased their testosterone levels. Finally, a significant decrease was observed in SHBG level: 85 (32.9) vs 73 (26.8) nmol/l, baseline vs final; p=0.0001; paired t-test. 95.2% of patients decrease their SHBG levels.

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