
Since January 2021 new vaccines against COVID-19 have been available in Italy. After the first step – reserved for medical staff – other categories have been involved in vaccination. Now we are going to vaccinate cancer patients in our Oncologic Department. Vaccine efficacy has been already proved and frail patients are considered at high risk for COVD-19 mortality, but are patients inclined to vaccination? Are they afraid? We proposed our patients a survey to understand their stance on vaccination and whether they would accept it. From 3rd to 30th March, 2021 we submitted a survey to consecutive cancer patients in chemotherapy or immunotherapy for metastatic or neo/adjuvant treatment in order to know their attitude towards anti-COVID-19 vaccine. We have collected 213 answers to the survey. Many solid cancers were represented. The mean age was 64 years. 46% were male, 54% female. 9.8% of patients had a COVID-19 infection, 62% of them being symptomatic. Half of the participants took the anti-influenza vaccine during the last vaccination campaign, compared with 47% that vaccinate regularly every year. Most of the patients (90%) had drawn information about vaccines from the media, although only 20% consider these clear and exhaustive. 182 pts (85%) were ready to be vaccinated. 23 pts refused vaccine. On 15th April AIFA announced the suspension of AstraZeneca vaccine because of a suspected correlation between it and some deaths. We noted an increase of vaccination refusal after this event: 15% vs the previous 6%. Adherence to anti-COVID-19 vaccine is high in cancer patients, higher than to anti-influenza vaccine. It could be related to a high perception of risk and fear that cancer care might be interrupted. The media had probably a significant contribution on that adherence as well as on the so called “vaccine hesitancy”.

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