
The correct establishment of dorsoventral (DV) polarity in the early Drosophila embryo has. through extensive genetic and molecular studies, been found to depend on a set of I 1 'dorsal-group' genes and the gene, cacrus [ I ] ; the products of these genes together form a signal transduction pathway that results in a ventrodorsal nuclear gradient of Dorsal, a transcription factor of the RellNFkt? family. This signalling pathway shares many features with that of the interleukin-l -mediated activation of NFKB. The resulting nuclear gradient of Dorsal ensures the correct pattern of expression of a group of genes along the dorsal-ventral axis, which is necessary for development to proceed as normal. The work presented here shows the existence of a different kind of gradient, not of proteins but of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), as measured by a f l u o r e s c e n t p robe , J C I (5.5'.6,6'-letrachloro-l , l ' , 3 , 3 ' tetraethylbenzimidazolylcarbocyanine iodide) [2.3]. This gradient may represent one of the many signals that act to set up the DV axis in Drosophila. Embryos were stained with JCI using a permeabilisatiodstaining procedure based closely on that discussed in (41. as used in [5], and on advice from K. Whittaker. Drosuphila embryos in a range of developmental stages were collected by placing apple-juice/agar plates for several hours in a population cage; embryos were dechorionated in 50% bleach (J Sainsbury's Ltd.) for about 90 seconds; following a thorough rinse in distilled water. they were left on the filter for several minutes at room temperature. Staining was performed on siliconised cavity slides: onto each was placed 25p1 of staining solution, containing 10pg/ml JC-I and 10% DMSO, in double-distilled water (DDW)). and in some cases 100pg/ml AMC (N-CBZ-4-amino-7-methyl coumarin hydrochlonde). A small amount of n-octane (to permeabilise the embryos) was added to the cavity and a small number of embryos was transferred from the Nitex filter to the octane; most of the octane was then removed using a drawnout pipette. and the slide gently tapped to help align the embryos around the staining solution as much as possible; after the remaining octane was removed or had evaporated. an additional 75p1 of staining solution was added, and the slide left for 10-20 minutes in a humid chamber (a Petri dish containing moist

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