
The COVID-19 virus presented challenges in virtually every area of public heath, from surveillance to research to action. Governments and whole societies faced hard questions: how should they balance containment measures, economic activity, and human rights? How should they communicate effectively and manage disinformation? How should they slow spread of the disease without triggering xenophobia? How should they manage pressures on health care facilities? How should they manage the consequences of social distancing for society as a whole?This panel addresses the fast-moving events surrounding the virus from the perspective of public health policies and politics. Its goal is to identify and explain the different responses of European countries and the European Union- in other words, why do public health systems act as they do in response to a novel threat? It will contribute to our understanding of how the politics and governance of public health in different countries produce different outcomes, with lessons for the overall organization of European public health and also for immediate responses in what is likely to be an ongoing challenge associated with COVID-19.Each panellist will discuss a country that had a distinctive experience of the virus and response. The countries were selected for the diversity of their situations as well as the significant differences in the organization of public health and health care systems as well broader political differences. Yves Charpak will discuss France, Michelle Falkenbach will discuss Italy; Thomas Czyprionka will discuss the German speaking countries, Anniek de Ruijter will discuss the European Union's collective responses and coordination, and Elizabeth King will discuss Russia. Each speaker will briefly address the challenges experienced by that country and the actions taken, and focus on explaining why those actions happened. Gemma Williams will chair.After the panelist's contributions the debate will open up to draw on the experience of everybody in the room. It will be highly interactive, given that many in the audience will have direct experience of managing the responses to the virus in different countries. The chairs will ensure timekeeping and facilitate discussion.Key messages COVID19 tested every element of European public health systems. The different responses carry lessons about the policy and politics of public health.We can draw lessons to improve the governance and politics of public health as well responses to COVID19.

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