
In 2004, the greenhouse and nursery industry was ranked as the fourth largest crop group in the United States based on farm cash receipts (USDA, 2004). The ornamental crop sector was expected to post total sales in excess of 15.3 billion dollars in 2004 (USDA, 2004). Landscape services within the green industry have risen from 28.9 billion in 2002 to 41.6 billion in 2004 (ALCA, 2004). In Iowa, recent surveys of turfgrass and edible food crop production and services have shown a combined net worth of more than 1 billion dollars. However, these surveys failed to include nursery and garden centers, greenhouse growers, landscape designers/contractors, arborists, and florists. Therefore, the objective of this project was to better understand the scope and scale of the ornamental horticulture industry in Iowa. A questionnaire was developed and mailed to 1293 horticulture businesses in Iowa. The survey instrument was developed with input from members of the Iowa Nursery and Landscape Association Research Corporation. Before mailing, it was reviewed by survey professionals and piloted to a select group of green industry representatives and edited per their suggestions. Three weeks after mailing, a reminder postcard was sent. Respondents were sorted as to type and size of business, number of employees, and annual sales. The percentage of gross receipts was categorized by types of plants sold and services provided. Respondents also were asked about the factors that limit their success, their strengths compared to competitors, and their expectations for future growth.

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