
Eye diseases are an important cause of disability and economic burden on society, affecting economically active population. We described the rates of permanent occupational disability due ocular diseases and specifically due diabetic retinopathy in workers affiliated to the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), during the 2000-2016 period. A cross-sectional analysis was conducted with data from the IMSS permanent occupational disability database. Subjects with ocular diseases were classified using the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10) in the following groups: diabetic retinopathy (ICD-10: E103, E113, E123, E133, E143, H280, H360), glaucoma (ICD-10: H40), age-related macular degeneration (ICD-10: H353), cataract (ICD-10: H25-H28), hypertensive retinopathy (ICD-10: H350), trachoma (ICD-10: B940) and blindness (ICD-10: H54). Data for each worker including sex, age at time of permanent occupational disability and ocular diseases were acquired. Permanent occupational disability rates were expressed x100,000 total worker affiliate population. There were 31,221 workers with permanent occupational disability due ocular diseases, 79.3% were male and mean age was 50.8 years old. Diabetic retinopathy was the most frequent cause of ocular permanent occupational disability with 21,161 workers (67.8%). Ocular disease rate increase from 10.52 to 13.78 x 100,000 affiliated workers during 2000 and 2016 respectively (percentage increase 30.9%), and diabetic retinopathy rate also showed an incremented in the same period (from 6.48 to 11.38 x 100,000 affiliated workers, percentage increase 75.7%).The increase in the number of workers with permanent occupational disability due to diabetic retinopathy, reflects an important diabetes complications incidence among the more than 19 million working people affiliated to the IMSS, the largest social security institution in Latin America. Disclosure I. Ascencio-Montiel: None. E. Zitle-García: None. C. Reyes-Martínez: None. M. García-Lopez: None. Funding Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (72694 to I.D.A-M.)

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