
A new 155Gd Mössbauer study of GdMn 2Ge 2 has been undertaken. Our Mössbauer data are in agreement with single crystal magnetization measurements which showed that the Gd moments are along the c-axis. The slight deviation of H hf from the c-axis ( ϑ=20°) suggests the occurence of anisotropic contributions to H hf . The quadrupole interaction data allow to estimate the second order crystal field parameter B 0 2 for the isostructural RMn 2Ge 2 series. From the negative sign of e 2 q z Q it may be anticipated that the easy direction of magnetization of the rare earth sublattice should be parallel to the c-axis when the Stevens factor α j is negative (e.g. in DyMn 2Ge 2) and in the basal plane when α j is positive (e.g. in ErMn 2Ge 2). These predictions are found to be in agreement with neutron or single crystal magnetization data for several RMn 2Ge 2 compounds. In field Mössbauer measurements indicate that the hyperfine field is negative.

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