
OBJECTIVES/GOALS: Immediate negative impact of the COVID pandemic on CTSA T trainees and K scholars was reported in 2020 to be lack of access to research facilities, clinics, human subjects, and team members, and a need for homeschooling. In this study we examined in more detail the perceived impact of the COVID pandemic on training and career development three years later. METHODS/STUDY POPULATION: CTSA T trainees and K scholars were surveyed in May-June 2023 to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on training and career development. Data were included from 309 T trainees and K scholars appointed in 2018-2023 at 50 institutions, with good representation from states that were heavily impacted by COVID. Respondents included 76 past and 64 current T trainees, and 56 past and 113 current K scholars. There were no significant differences in race, ethnicity, or gender between T and K respondents. Significantly more K scholars reported both being married or in a committed relationship, and having children. Survey items included the same questions asked in the 2020 survey, plus additional new questions. Results compare impact for T trainees and K scholars. RESULTS/ANTICIPATED RESULTS: K scholars were more negatively impacted for access to clinic/human subjects, home environment, child care, access to staff, increased clinical responsibilities, and other hospital service. T trainees and K scholars reported higher positive impact than in 2020, for having more time to think/write and develop new research ideas. About 2/3 of respondents reported returning to research full-time by April 2021, and the remaining by August 2021. Lasting changes in career progression or research direction were reported as both positive and negative (48%), negative (25%), or positive (10%). Most (2/3) respondents in faculty positions reported that a time extension was available for promotion and/or tenure. Additional in-depth analysis will be presented, based on qualitative analysis of open-ended questions. DISCUSSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Despite research shutdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that lasted for about a year, CTSA T trainees and K scholars were remarkably resilient. They were able to continue some research activities and professional development activities, and developed strategies to maintain productivity and minimize impact on their training duration.

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