
Azoxyglycoside contents in leaves of 32 cycad species belonging to 10 cycad genera and the seeds of 4 Encephalartos species were analyzed by HPLC with a YMC-PA03 amide column. Azoxyglycosides were detected in mature leaves of 14 cycad species including 2 Bowenia, 2 Lepidozamia, 1 Microcycas, and 1 Stangeria species, but not in mature leaves of 18 other cycad species; 2 of 3 Ceratozamia, 1 of 3 Cycas, 3 of 3 Dioon, 10 of 11 Encephalartos, 1 of 3 Macrozamia and 1 of 3 Zamia species analyzed.The ratios of β-glycosidase activity toward cycasin and macrozamin in extracts from the leaves of 9 species belonging to 9 genera were measured. The hydrolysis of cycasin was higher in the leaf extracts of Cycas revoluta, Bowenia spectabilis, Stangeria eriopus and Ceratozamia mexicana, whereas in Lepidozamia hopei, the hydrolysis levels of cycasin and macrozamin were similar. On the other hand, activity toward macrozamin was higher in Dioon edule, Encephalartos villosus, Macrozamia miquelii and Zamia fischeri. The hydrolytic activities in most species were estimated to be sufficient for the release of methylazoxymethanol in leaves analogous to the cyanogenesis of cyanogenic plants. Therefore, hydrolysis of azoxyglycosides by endogenous glycosidase in leaves seems to occur by accidental injury of leaves. However, in M. miquelii leaf extract, hydrolytic activity toward macrozamin was high and the activity toward cycasin was very low, though only cycasin was found in the leaves of this species.

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