
Introduction The spousal homicide is committed on a partner or ex-partner of intimate life whatever the stature of this one. In France, it represents about 20% of total homicide. Its multifactorial origin makes its spotting complex. Objective The aim of this study is to determine predictive factors of acting out, by analyzing sociodemographical, psychopathological and criminological features of men committing spousal homicide. Method It is a descriptive and retrospective study of 37 spousal homicides (or attempts of homicides) files judged between 1999 and 2010 by the Court of Appael of Poitiers. An important number of variables concerning the perpetrators, the victims and the facts have been searched. Then, they have been sorted to establish profiles. Results Men stand for 88% of spousal homicides perpetrators. Most of them are impulsive (80,4%), have a judicial (64,8%) and domestic violence (70,3%) previous history. Half drinks excessively. The acting out is often motivated by the couple breaking up (64,8%). Homicide is frequently committed with an excessive violence (54%). Before the crime, about half of the perpetrators had expressed death or suicide threats. Conclusion Our study showed that spousal homicide is an unpremeditated act committed by men, facing the difficulty to accept their partner leaving. This crime is often linked to domestic violence and chronical alcoholism. Emphasizing these profiles allow to offer better-aimed prevention measures.

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