
ABSTRACT Background Viscum album extracts (VA) and non-pharmacotherapeutic interventions (NPI) are frequently used in integrative oncology (IO). NPIs activate patients' resources whereas VA enhances health-related quality of life and reduce adverse effects caused by conventional therapies. In the present study we evaluated the use of VA and NPIs in lung cancer patients from a clinical registry with a special emphasis on IO. Methods We analyzed data of 1177 lung cancer patients collected by the Network Oncology, a conjoint clinical registry of German hospitals and out-patient oncologists. We used non-parametric χ2 or Fisher exact test (F) to compare observed frequencies, Wilcoxon rank sum (W), Kruskal-Wallis test (KW) for differences between groups. We fitted a logistic regression model to explain use of VA. Results 73% of the patients got VA and 54% NPI [embrocations, wrappings, eurythmic therapy, massages, music, drawing, modeling, psychological support or hyperthermal therapy]. No difference in UICC stage between VA patients and others were seen (pχ2= 0.213), but VA patients choose more NPI (medother= 0, medVA= 2, pW Conclusions Results show that VA and NPI are part of standard care of lung cancer patients in IO settings. Female patients are more open-minded to IO therapies and use them more often. Our results suggest that health service research data provide a solid basis for generating hypothesis to conduct warranted prospective studies on effectiveness in IO. Disclosure H. Matthes: PD Dr. med. Harald Matthes is member of the board of directors of the Weleda Weleda A.G. Arlesheim/ Switzerland. All other authors have declared no conflicts of interest.

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