
Inflammation is one of the body’s natural ways of facilitating healing. It involves many chemical reactions that help to fight off infections, increase blood flow to places that need healing, and generate pain as a signal that something is not healthy in the body. When the body is injured or ill, the immune system brings up to start working to that specific area of concern via increased blood flow. During this time the body swells up, changing in color (redness), heat, pain, or feeling of discomfort. Inflammation has low-grade chronic or ongoing inflammation that is below the level of pain, and if it persists or prolongs, it can contribute to many chronic health problems and can become a disease. Adopting a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle behavior and food supplementation can work enormous on curing inflammation. Studies have estimated that 60% of chronic diseases, including many of the health problems related to inflammation, could be prevented by a healthy diet.

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