
The importance of fuel chemistry has been revivaled since Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) accident. The inspection and analysis of damaged three units, which had been operated in March 11, 2011, showed large differences in the accident progression sequence for these units, because operators attempted to prevent or mitigate the accident progression of each unit by all means possible. Characteristics of fuel debris are considered to be largely influenced by the difference in the sequence and, hence, deviated from those predicted from prototypic accident scenarios, which had been mainly identified from the analysis of Three Mile Island-2 accident and the following sim-tests, For the proper improvement of our knowledge on severe accident, including nonprototypic conditions, one has to start improving the phenomenology of fuel/core degradation and fission product behavior. Advances in the chemistry are the most essential approach. The present review attempts to focus on the recent updates and remaining concerns after the FDNPS accident.

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