
Abstract In mammals, fetal development is programmed by the mother’s metabolism, body condition and health status, and thus by her diet. Besides this nutritional programming, the diet of sows has also an impact on her intestinal microbiota and on colostrum and milk production and composition, which may then modulate the microbiota of piglets. Indeed, colostrum and milk are composed of macronutrients, but contain as well immunoglobulins and immune cells, bioactive molecules such as hormones, growth factors, prebiotic and antimicrobial compounds. The latter two also play a role on the establishment of the gut microbiota. Moreover, the contact of the piglets with the faeces of the sows, at birth and during the lactation period, may all affect the composition of their microbiota. As a proof-of-concept concerning this microbiota modulation, it was shown that maternal antibiotic treatment from 10 days before the estimated farrowing date until 21 days after farrowing, transiently modified both mother fecal and offspring ileal microbiota during the first weeks of life, without effects on offspring’s microbiota on a long-term. There is evidence, although limited, that dietary fibers in the diet of the sows modulate the microbiota and gut homeostasis of the progeny. This has been shown by the use of seaweed extracts, short chain fructo-oligosaccharides, wheat bran, resistant starch, or the inclusion of guar gum and cellulose. For example, wheat bran in the diet of sows modulates the microbiota of the sows and piglets differently. Supplementation of the sow’s diet with probiotics (Bacillus subtilis) also revealed that the development of the intestinal microbiota of piglets is modulated, seen by a reduction in pathogenic communities (i.e. Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens) in colon and ileum respectively. In conclusion, to optimize piglet’s gut development through the colonization of the microbiota, the diet of the sow should be taken into account.

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