
This chapter outlines the main characteristics of the Aral Sea basin and its major transboundary water issues. It provides a brief overview of the legal architecture for transboundary water cooperation in the region. The chapter explores the building blocks of a procedural system of transboundary water cooperation in the Aral Sea basin, including obligations to establish joint bodies, to exchange information with riparian states, to consult with each other, to notify regarding proposed activities, to conduct environmental impact assessments, to work together in emergency situations as well as compliance and dispute settlement arrangements. The legal architecture of transboundary water cooperation in the Aral Sea basin is composed of numerous agreements at bilateral, sub-regional, regional, and global levels. Regular information exchange and consultations have become key elements of an international legal body of procedural norms governing transboundary waters. Keywords: Aral Sea basin; dispute settlement arrangements; riparian states; transboundary water cooperation

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