
Wood-based materials are well established, but face a low-technology image among materials engineers. Advanced techniques such as nanocomposite coatings and plasma treatments are powerful tools to improve the technological value of wood-based materials by enhancing properties and introducing new ones. To present these material approaches the chapter is be divided into two main sections: nanocomposite coatings and plasma treatments for wood-based materials. The first section focuses on state-of-the-art improvements for several surface mechanical properties such as hardness or scratch, wear and impact resistance. Recent work on self-healing nanocomposite coatings will also be presented. Environmental conditions play an important role in product service life: coatings developed with improved UV and water resistance are presented. Novel coatings based on photocatalysis allowing self-cleaning, de-polluting and anti-staining will be introduced. Nanomaterials having anti-fungal and biocide functions with potential as additives in coatings are described. Fire-resistance of wood-based materials is of primary importance in various applications, and nanoparticles may help to meet these requirements. These are also presented. Finally, recent advances in coatings, emerging technologies and future trends are discussed. The second section addresses two main subjects related to plasma technology: wood surface activation and thin layer deposits. Cold plasma technology is first introduced. Surface activation and its benefits to wood-based materials are then presented and explained. Finally, the wide potential of thin layer deposit through physical or chemical approaches is introduced. The latter represent a high potential for technological breakthrough in near-future wood-based material protection techniques.

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