
Digital computers are used extensively in modern Naval Architecture and computer programmes are commercially available. With the arrival of computer graphics, Naval Architects can apply the new techniques to solve the problems of hull definition. This chapter discusses the ways of using computers for the treatment of hull surface, hydrostatic, and weight calculations. The chapter presents the definition of the hull surface and introduces few elementary concepts of computer graphics to show how computers are used for this definition. A few simple examples of application to hull surface definition have also been given. The chapter describes simple models of dynamic ship behavior. It explains what simulation is and gives a simple example that uses SIMULINK, a powerful toolbox that extends the capabilities of MATLAB. The development of computer graphics has made possible the use of computers in the design of hull surfaces. One of the uses of computer programmes is in the simulation of the behavior of ships and other floating structures in waves or after damage. Thus, it is possible to study situations that would be too dangerous to experiment them on real ships.

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