
1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol, when present at and above 10 nM in an organ-culture system of embryonic chick jejunum, approximately doubled the rate of Na(+)-gradient-driven D-glucose uptake by brush-border membrane vesicles, but had no effect on Na(+)-independent D-glucose transfer. The sterol also had no effect on Na+ influx along an outside/inside Na+ gradient ([Na+]o = 100 mM; [Na+]i = 0 mM). This renders it unlikely that in embryonic intestine, calcitriol raises Na(+)-dependent D-glucose transport through changes in the electrochemical Na+ gradient. D-[U-14C]Glucose tracer exchange, measured under voltage-clamp condition at Na+/D-glucose equilibrium, revealed that addition of calcitriol to the culture medium approximately doubled the activity of the Na+/D-glucose transporter in the brush-border membrane. This was also reflected by an corresponding increase in the maximal velocity of the transfer process. Increased [3H]phlorizin binding after calcitriol treatment suggests that the steroid hormone activates Na+/D-glucose transport through increasing the number of carrier molecules in the brush-border membrane. 10 nM triiodothyronine, which by itself has no effect on Na(+)-dependent D-glucose transport, potentiated the effect of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol such that in the presence of both hormones, Na+/D-glucose-carrier activity was increased fourfold above control levels.

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