
This paper is intended to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the discovery of X-rays. X-rays (Roentgen-rays) were discovered on the 8th ofNovember, 1895 by the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. Fifty days after the discovery of X-ray, on December 28, 1895. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen published a paper about the discovery of X-rays - "On a new kind of rays" (Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen: Ober eine neue Art von Strahlen. In: Sitzungsberichte der Wurzburger Physik.-Medic.- Gesellschaft. 1895.). Therefore, the date of 28th ofDecember, 1895 was taken as the date of X-rays discovery. This paper describes the work of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, Nikola Tesla, Mihajlo Pupin and Maria Sklodowska-Curie about the nature of X-rays . The fantastic four - Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, NikolaTesla, Mihajlo ldvorski Pupin and Maria Sklodowska-Curie set the foundation of radiology with their discovery and study of X-rays. Five years after the discovery of X-rays, in 1900, Dr Avram Vinaver had the first X-ray machine installed in abac, in Serbia at the time when many developed countries did not have an X-ray machine and thus set the foundation of radiology in Serbia.

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