
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 北方城市12种常见树木落花分解及其养分释放特征 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201910292275 作者: 作者单位: 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划重点项目(2016JZ010);西北农林科技大学创新项目(2018) Decomposition and nutrient release characteristics of falling flowers of 12 common tree species in northern cities Author: Affiliation: Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:城市绿化产生的树木落花量日益增加,由于落花富含养分,所以研究落花的分解及其养分释放特性,可以为落花作为施肥材料和制备生物质有机肥等农业再利用提供科学依据。以樱花(Cerasus sp.)、海棠(Malus spectabilis)、白玉兰(Magnolia denudata)、紫玉兰(Magnolia liliflora)、桃(Amygdalus persica)、红叶李(Prunus cerasifera Ⅰ)、紫叶李(Prunus cerasifera Ⅱ)、含笑(Michelia figo)、紫荆(Cercis chinensis)、杏梅(Prunus mume)、银杏(Ginkgo biloba)和栾树(Koelreuteria paniculate)等12种树木落花为研究对象,通过室内落花分解模拟试验,结果表明:(1)粗蛋白含量以桃花和白玉兰落花中较高(251.44-274.94 mg/g)(P<0.05),木质素含量以紫荆和银杏落花中较高(47.35-49.95 μg/g)(P<0.5),N含量以桃花和白玉兰落花中较高(40.23-43.99 mg/g)(P<0.5),P含量以桃花和白玉兰落花中较高(1.37-1.58 mg/g)(P<0.5),K含量以红叶李、紫叶李和白玉兰落花中较高(4.53-4.72 mg/g)(P<0.5),Cu含量以白玉兰落花中较高(22.74 μg/g),Zn含量以紫叶李落花中较高(249.06 μg/g)(P<0.5),Fe含量以紫荆、樱花、紫叶李、杏梅、海棠和桃花中较高(85.81-118.34 μg/g)(P<0.5),Mn含量以杏梅、樱花、桃花和海棠落花中较高(24.09-25.71 μg/g)(P<0.5)。(2)12种落花中,除了银杏分解稍慢(周转期1.12 a)之外,其他落花分解均较快(周转期为1.00-1.05 a)。(3)落花养分释放速率较之分解速率表现为:N在樱花、海棠、紫玉兰、红叶李、含笑和紫荆落花中呈超速释出状态,而在其他落花中呈慢速释出状态,P在白玉兰、桃花、紫叶李、紫荆和银杏落花中呈超速释出状态,而在其他落花中呈慢速释出状态,K除了在紫荆落花中呈超速释出状态之外,在其他落花中均呈慢速释出状态。(4)相关性分析表明,落花中含有较高的粗蛋白、N、P和K含量可以加快落花分解,而落花中含有较高的木质素含量、木质素/N和N/P则导致落花分解速度减慢。研究结果将为落花的资源化利用奠定理论基础。 Abstract:The amount of falling flowers of trees in urban greening is increasing. Because falling flowers are rich in nutrients, the study on the decomposition and nutrient release characteristics of falling flowers can provide scientific basis for the use of falling flowers as fertilizer materials and the preparation of biomass organic fertilizer and other agricultural reuse. Taking Cerasus sp., Malus spectabilis, Magnolia denudata, Magnolia liliflora, Amygdalus persica, Prunus cerasiferaⅠ, Prunus cerasiferaⅡ, Michelia figo, Cercis chinensis, Prunus mume, Ginkgo biloba, and Koelreuteria paniculate as the research object, the falling flowers decomposition simulation experiments were carried out in laboratory. The results show that: (1)The crude protein content is higher in flowers of Amygdalus persica and Magnolia denudate(251.44-274.94 mg/g)(P<0.05).The lignin content is higher in flowers of Cercis chinensis and Ginkgo biloba (47.35-49.95 μg/g) and the N content is higher in flowers of Amygdalus persica and Magnolia denudate (40.23-43.99 mg/g), but the P content is higher in flowers of Amygdalus persica and Magnolia denudate (1.37-1.58 mg/g).The K content is higher in flowers of Prunus cerasiferaⅠ, Prunus cerasiferaⅡ, and Magnolia denudate (4.53-4.72 mg/g), while the content of Cu is higher in flowers of Magnolia denudate (22.74 μg/g). The content of Zn is higher in flowers of Prunus cerasiferaⅡ (249.06 μg/g) and the content of Fe is higher in flowers of Cercis chinensis, Cerasus sp., Prunus cerasiferaⅡ, Prunus mume, Malus spectabilis and Amygdalus persica (85.81-118.34 μg/g). The Mn content is higher in flowers of Prunus mume, Cerasus sp., Amygdalus persica and Malus spectabilis (24.09-25.71 μg/g). (2) Among the 12 species of falling flowers, except that the decomposition of Ginkgo biloba is a little slower (the turnover period as 1.12 a), the decompositions of other falling flowers are faster (the turnover period as 1.00-1.05 a). (3) Compared with the decomposition rate, the nutrients release rate of falling flowers is as following: N in Cerasus sp., Malus spectabilis, Magnolia liliflora, Prunus cerasiferaⅠ, Michelia figo and Cercis chinensis show overspeed release state, while in other falling flowers show slow release state. P in Magnolia denudate, Amygdalus persica, Prunus cerasiferaⅡ, Cercis chinensis and Ginkgo biloba falling flowers show overspeed release state, while in other falling flowers show slow release state; K, except in Cercis chinensis falling flowers, show slow release state. (4) The correlation analysis indicates that the higher crude protein, N, P and K contents in falling flowers can accelerate the decomposition of falling flowers, while the higher lignin content, lignin/N and N/P in falling flowers can slow down the decomposition of falling flowers. The above results will lay a theoretical foundation for the resourceful utilization of falling flowers. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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