
This study aimed to determine the ability of neem leaf extract to maintain the normal blood profile of white male rat (Rattus norvegicus) infected with Trypanosoma evansi. A total of 24 male white rats were divided into 6 groups. The K0 group as the negative control received no T. evansi infection and no neem leaf extract. Furthermore, K1 group (positive control) only infected with T. evansi, K2 and K3 were given neem leaf extract 50mg/kg BW and 100mg/kgBW, while K4 and K5 were given neem leaf extract 400mg/KgBW and K5 800mg/kgBW. The neem leaf extract was administered for 3 consecutive days after infection established. The blood of the rats was collected to determine the amount of erythrocyte and leukocyte, hemoglobin level and hematocrit value. The data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) through SPSS for Windows 16.0. The averages (+SD) of erythrocyte of K0, K1, K2, K3, K4, and K5 were 5,64±0,57; 2,31±1; 1,93±0; 0; 2,55±0,33; and 2,56±0,48. The amount of leukocyte were 4,46±1,09; 4,45±1,91; 5,25±0; 0; 8,42±1,66; and 8,14± 5,17. The value of hemoglobin were 12,00±0,47; 10,50±0,57; 4,30±0; 0; 5,60±0,20; and 9,03±0,66. The level of hematocrit 38,00±1,83; 25,00±9,90; 15±0; 0; 18,00±2,65, and 20,75±1,71. The result showed that the administration of neem leaf extract with doses 400mg/kgBW and 800mg/kgBW were difference significantly (P0.05) compare to the positive control of rats, but could not equalize blood profile of uninfected white male rats


  • Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki potensi besar di sektor peternakan, hal ini dibuktikan dengan tingginya angka produksi ternak dengan hasil kualitas yang beranekaragam

  • This study aimed to determine the ability of neem leaf extract to maintain the normal blood profile of white male rat

  • A total of 24 male white rats were divided into 6 groups

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Alat dan Bahan Penelitian Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu hemositometer (Assistent Western Germany) yang terdiri dari pipet (eritrosit dan leukosit), selang karet, kamar hitung Neubauer, cover glass; hemometer Sahli (Hellige, Western Germany) yang terdiri dari tabung hemometer Sahli, batang pengaduk, pipet tetes, pipet Sahli, selang penghisap); mikroskop (Olympus, Japan), kertas saring, mikro kapiler, creastoseal, micro haematocrit centrifuge (KHT-410E, Taiwan), micro-haematocrit reader (Hawksley & Son Ltd., England); mixer; rotary evaporator (Hahnvapor HS-2005 S®Korea); dan sonde lambung. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan adalah T. evansi isolat Krueng Raya yang merupakan koleksi Laboratorium Parasitologi FKH Universitas Syiah Kuala, ekstrak daun mimba, darah tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus), carboxyil methyl cellulosa (CMC) 1%, ethanol 96%, aquades, larutan hayem, larutan turk, dan HCl 0,1 N. Kelompok perlakuan pertama adalah kelompok kontrol negatif (K0) hanya diberikan aquades. Kelompok perlakuan kedua merupakan kontrol positif (K1) hanya diinfeksikan 5x104 T. evansi secara intraperitoneal, sedangkan kelompok perlakuan ketiga (K2), keempat (K3), kelima (K4) dan keenam (K5) diinfeksikan 5x104 T. evansi secara intraperitoneal dan diberi ekstrak daun mimba yang masingmasing dosisnya 50 mg/kgBB, 100 mg/kgBB, 400 mg/kgBB dan 800 mg/kgBB. Ekstrak daun mimba diberikan secara oral selama tiga hari berturut-turut. Pada hari keempat semua tikus dikoleksi darahnya melalui sinus orbitalis cantus medialis sebanyak 3 ml dan diperiksa jumlah eritrosit, leukosit, kadar Hb, dan nilai hematokrit

Prosedur Penelitian Pembuatan ekstrak daun mimba
Penentuan kadar hemoglobin
Kadar Hemoglobin
Inovasi Teknologi Dalam Pengendalian
Asal Daerah di Jawa Barat Terhadap Kecepatan
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