
Molto Illre signor. I have forgotten whither in my last letters I gave you warning or noe of a journey which then I was to begin, and now I thanke god I have ended, by reason wherofe I have not satisfyed your expectation in writing unto you. I learn by a letter which some three daies since I receaved from mr G. West which was the first and last that ether I receaved from him or you, which was written the 21th of August last, that you are desirous to hear from me, which you shal by the grace of god, if god grant me libertie. In the journey I spake of before, I met with one Mr Smith, which soone after was taken at or about Wallingford. who whiles the pursuivantes were searching in the house got out at a windoe, and had escaped, had not a simple clowne by chance espyed him who was cause of his apprehension.

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