
We report an ytterbium-doped all-fiber laser generating dissipative soliton resonance (DSR) pulses with kilowatt-level peak power. The laser cavity was constructed with all-10/125 large-mode-area fibers to alleviate excessive nonlinear effects caused by high peak power. DSR pulse breaking and Raman-induced instability are avoided by carefully placing the fiber sections. Numerical and experimental investigation of high-peak-power DSR laser mode-locked with nonlinear optical loop mirrors is presented. Up to 1.66 W, 161-nJ energetic pulses are obtained without pulse-breaking. In particular, the laser generates pulses with 48–146 ps tunable pulse duration and an almost fixed peak power as high as 1.1 kW. To the best of our knowledge, this letter presents the first demonstration of DSR pulses with kilowatt-level peak power in mode-locked fiber lasers.

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