
Background Eribulin (ERI) is oneofthestandards ofcarein metastaticbreastcancer (MBC) after anthracycline and taxane. In 301 trial, overall survival ofERI was comparabletothatofcapecitabine(CAP), thoughthistrialfailedtoshowthe superiority ofERI over CAP. In the real world clinical practice, choice ofERI or CAP is a challenging problem. This study retrospectively compared ERI and CAP. Methods The inclusion criteria were HER2-negative MBC patients treated with ERI and/or CAP between 2011 and 2015 after anthracycline and taxane. Overall response rate(ORR) was definedastherateofCRandPR. Timetoprogression (TTP) was defined as a period from the initiation ofERI or CAP to PD or death. We analyzed ORR andTTP ofERIandCAP. WedefinedEgroup asthepatients whoreceivedERIonlyor who received ERI before CAP. We also defined C group as the patients who received CAP only or who received CAP before ERI. Median survival time (MST) ofE group/C group was defined as the median time from ERI/CAP administration to death. We comparedMST ofEandCgroupsbytreatmentlines. Results Atotal of182 patientswereincluded. ThenumberofpatientsinEgroup/C groupwas77/113. Themedian ageofEgroup/Cgroup was 57[34-75]/59 [30-79] years. Theproportionoftriplenegativebreastcancer inE group/Cgroupwas28.6/14.2%. The crossoverrateofEgroup/Cgroup was39.0/75.7% (p<0.001). ORRofERI/CAP was 20.4/19.7% (p=1.00). TTP ofERI/CAP was126/203 days(p<0.0001). MST ofE group/Cgroupswere422/1003 days(p<0.0001). ThenumberofpatientsofEgroup/C group in the 1st line, the 2nd line and the 3rd line was 15/27, 20/39 and 27/37, respectively. MST ofEgroup/Cgroup inthe1stlinewas491/908days(p=0.055), the 2ndlinewas486/1003 days(p= 0.0003), andthe3rdlinewas 442/1393 days(p= 0.006). Conclusions ORRofERIwascomparabletothatofCAP, whereasTTP ofERIwas shorter than CAP. MST was longer in C group than E group when compared in the sametreatmentlines. TheinferiorityofEgroup mightreflectthatfewerpatients in E group were treated with CAP after failure of ERI. Reasons for the less crossover rate in E group should further be analyzed. Investigating specific subgroups for which one drug is more effective than the other will be the next step of our research. Legal entity responsible for the study N/A Funding N/A Disclosure All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.

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