
Abstract Introduction The Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) and the Profile of Mood States Fatigue and Vigor subscales (POMS-F and POMS-V) are commonly used to assess subjective sleepiness, fatigue and vigor in response to sleep loss. However, the detailed time course of relationships between these measures across sleep loss and recovery remains unknown yet is critical for assessing varying changes in perception of subjective states. Repeated measures correlation (rmcorr) examined within-individual association between the measures throughout a highly controlled sleep deprivation study. Methods Forty-one healthy adults (ages 21-49; mean±SD, 33.9±8.9y; 18 females) participated in a 13-night experiment consisting of two baseline nights (10h-12h time-in-bed, TIB) followed by 5 sleep restriction (SR) nights (4h TIB), 4 recovery nights (12h TIB), and 36h total sleep deprivation (TSD). A neurobehavioral test battery, including the KSS, POMS-F, and POMS-V, was administered every 2h during wakefulness. Rmcorr compared KSS, POMS-F, and POMS-V scores by examining correlations by study day (e.g., Baseline day 2) and by time point (e.g., 1000h-2000h). Rmcorr cutoffs were as follows: r=0.1:small, 0.3:moderate, 0.5:large. Results KSS and POMS-F maintained positive correlations throughout the study, whereas POMS-F and POMS-V and KSS and POMS-V were inversely correlated. All correlations were significant except those for POMS-F and POMS-V across recovery day 1 and KSS and POMS-F across recovery day 4. All measure pairs showed moderate to large correlations across baseline and SR1-5, but only small to moderate correlations across recovery. KSS and POMS-F and KSS and POMS-V showed moderate to large correlations across TSD; however, POMS-F and POMS-V only showed a small correlation. All three pairs showed consistent moderate (POMS-F and POMS-V) or large (KSS and POMS-F, KSS and POMS-V [moderate at 2000h]) correlations when analyzed by time point across the study. Conclusion Overall, the strength of relationships between KSS, POMS-F, and POMS-V scores varied as a function of type of sleep loss (SR or TSD) and by fully rested states, but not by time of day. This demonstrates the importance of determining perceptions of sleepiness, fatigue, and vigor in relation to each other, especially during recovery for all three constructs. Support (if any) ONR Award No. N00014-11-1-0361; NIH UL1TR000003;NASA NNX14AN49G and 80NSSC20K0243;NIH R01DK117488

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