
Background: The involvement of DTI Foundation with the donation activity in China started in 2012 when the University of Barcelona awarded a research grant to a DTI expert to understand China. This initial interaction was the beginning of a strong commitment to train, advise and support organ donation professionals. The ultimate goal of this collaboration is the establishment of a self-sufficient organ donation and transplantation program for the Chinese people. Methods: The comprehensive program has two main components: the educational one and the consultancy one. • Educational program - The TPM courses methodology combined theoretical sessions and simulations in the main topics of the organ donation (OD) process. -The International Master in Donation and Transplantation of Organs, Tissues and Cells has been created following the European training framework and it is certified by the University of Barcelona. -The KeTLOD (Knowledge Transfer and Leadership in Organ Donation) Erasmus project is cofounded by the EU commission in collaboration with 13 partners from Europe and China. Its main aim is to design and implement a postgraduate program in OD in seven Chinese Universities partners. -The KeTLOD Bridge are scholarships to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and leadership in OD and transplantation from Europe to China. The KeTLOD Bridge include: 1.International Master 2.Postgraduate in OD and Transplantation, Management and Quality 3.Diploma in OD 4.Medical educational visitCooperation project with Kunming First People’s Hospital of Kunming City OPO The SEUSA methodology is followed for this program. It applies the best practices form the most successful OD programs in the world: Spain, Europe and USA. The SEUSA tools include: 1. Organ Donation Diagnosis survey (ODDS) 2. Deceased alert system (DAS) 3. Essentials in Organ Donation (EOD) The SEUSA main objectives are: 1. Increase donor referral 2. Improve conversion rate 3. Create UH-OPO structure Regular visits from DTI international experts to the Yunnan province hospitals have been organised to further strengthen the SEUSA efficacy. The information collected in the visits have facilitated recommendations regarding the establishment of in-hospital organ procurement units. Conclusions: The combination between a strong educational program, effective in-hospital structure, supportive regulatory system and governmental endorsement are fundamental pillars to build a self-sufficient and sustainable organ donation program.

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